Sometimes I see you and I smile
Sometimes I see you and I feel sick
Sick of the feelings I have for you
I just wanted one kiss and I'll be satisfied
It all begins with a kiss
One kiss can change everything
You deserve much better than him
I'm not saying that I'm better than anyone
But at least I love you
You can have everyone and
You pick undeserving him
These feelings are true but what do they do
I smile to hide my frustration
I write these songs to let it out
Just give me one chance
I'm up to par like bagger vance
I'll take out my driver
and give you a hole in one
These feelings mean shit
This is all I feel and I'm sure of it
Just another typical day of
me bitching and moaning
I'm sick of it and I'm sure
Ohhhhh I'm sure your sick of hearing it